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QMG 2.0

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The QMG package generates finite element meshes in two and
three dimensions.
QMG is free software distributed at the source-code
level. Although QMG is free, it is copyrighted by Cornell University.
The package includes some geometric modeling software, the mesh generator
itself, and an elementary
finite element solver. The software is written in C++, Tcl/Tk and
Matlab. The author of most of
QMG is S. Vavasis. QMG runs on several Unix platforms
and on Intel-based PC's under Windows NT.

The software includes test cases with graphics to illustrate
its features.

The mesh generator is a quadtree/octree
algorithm due to S. Mitchell and S. Vavasis.

Please select a topic from the following list.

The following pages cover subtopics of the above major topics:


My colleague Paul Chew gave me advice on computational geometry. My
colleague Brian Smith introduced me to Tcl/Tk. This software
would not exist without the collaborative research effort
with Scott Mitchell to develop the underlying algorithm.

Work on QMG 1.0 was supported by the Division of Advanced Scientific Computing
of the National Science Foundation through a Presidential Young Investigator
grant. Matching funds were received from Xerox, AT&T, Tektronix,
IBM, and Sun Microsystems (not all during the same year).

Development of the Windows versions of QMG was supported by
grants from Microsoft and Intel.

Support from Argonne National Laboratory for
work on QMG 1.1 is gratefully acknowledged. QMG 1.1 was also developed
with support from the National Science Foundation at Cornell.

Support for QMG 2.0 was received from the

National Science Foundation

through the grand-challenge grant
Propagation on Teraflop
,” grant number
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed
in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Part of the work on QMG 2.0 was done while the author was visiting
Bell Laboratories (Lucent Technologies).

Helpful advice and suggestions received from
other members of the project including
Bruce Carter,
Dave Chen,
Paul Chew,
Nikos Chrisochoides,
Gerd Heber,
Anthony Ingraffea,
Roland Krause,
Keshav Pingali,
Chris Myers,
Dave Schneider,
Paul Stodghill
Wash Wawrzynek.
Chris Myers and Wash Wawrzynek also wrote part of the
data structure definition.

− Steve Vavasis

This documentation is written by
Stephen A.
and is
copyright ©1999 by Cornell
Permission to reproduce this documentation is granted provided this
notice remains attached. There is no warranty of any kind on
this software or its documentation. See the accompanying file
for a full statement of the copyright.

Back to
Vavasis's mesh generation home page.

Stephen A. Vavasis, Computer Science Department, Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY 14853, vavasis@cs.cornell.edu



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Qmage는 높은 압축률과 빠른 복원 성능을 제공함으로써 메모리 사용량을 획기적으로 절감하고, 유저인터페이스 응답시간을 단축시켜 줍니다.

Qmage의 압축모듈은 80~90%의 압축률을 가지며, 복원모듈은 매우 빨라서(zlib대비 5~6배) 압축된 이미지의 실시간 복원이 가능합니다.

Qmage는 아주 간단한 API와 라이브러리로 되어 있어서 모바일 기기에 쉽게 적용할 수 있습니다.

Qmage 제품에는 툴, 라이브러리, 샘플 코드, 문서들이 포함되어 있습니다.

높은 압축률

- 무 손실 압축기준 80%~90%의 압축률

- 손실 압축이나 Animation 압축을 이용하면 압축률 추가 향상

빠른 디코더 성능

- 15~20ms (320x240 image) : Arm9 146Mhz 환경

- Decoding 속도가 빠른데다가 높은 압축률로 File Loading 시간이 짧아지기 때문에 압축을 안 한 이미지를 Display

하는 것보다 빨라질 수 있음.

다양한 Format 지원

- Encoder (input) : BMP(8/16/24/32 bpp), PNG, Raw Image

- Decoder (output) : RGB565, RGB888, RGBA5658, RGBA8888

다양한 Encoding Option 제공

- 무손실, 손실 압축

- 손실 압축시 압축률 세부 조정 가능

- Animation 압축기능 : 압축률 향상

- 디더링 기능 (화질 개선)

- 투명 컬러 처리 (ChromaKey)

- Little Endian / Big Endian 지원


두번째 추가:삼성 디벨로퍼즈 디벨로프먼트 툴 중에 삼성 테마 디자이너 1.0.5

Samsung Theme Designer 1.0.5

Views : 137524 l comments : 47 l Type : Tools
May 19, 2011 05:06 GMT+1

Release Date: 19 May 2011.

Samsung has released the new version of Samsung Theme Designer.

The new version of Samsung Theme Designer is now available for download.

Samsung Theme Designer 1.0.5 is an authoring tool for designers and
developers to create Theme content for Samsung mobile phones. Samsung
Theme Designer supports native Samsung Mobile phones. And Samsung Theme
Designer doesn't support Symbian, Windows, or Android Mobile

The authoring tool includes model specific pre-set information,
image/animation components, preview function, and sample theme

Samsung Theme Designer provides designers and developers to create state of the art theme content.

What’s new in the latest release?

- Validating process before exporting themes has been improved.

- Samsung Theme Designer newly supports GT-C6712(Collins/TouchWiz 3.0).

With its new features, the 1.0.5 version of the Samsung Theme Designer enables developers to improve development productivity.

Download the new version of Samsung Theme Designer directly from Samsung_Theme_Designer_1.0.5.zip(180MB)

삼성 테마 디자이너 다운로드:http://innovator.samsungmobile.com/down/cnts/toolSDK.detail.view.do?platformId=13&cntsId=9572&listReturnUrl=http%3A%2F%2Finnovator.samsungmobile.com%3A80%2Fdown%2Fcnts%2FtoolSDK.list.do%3FplatformId%3D13

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