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드디어 크롬 베타 43 버전 부터 웹페이지별 status bar 색상이 검정이 아닌 투명(?)이 적용 됩니다.

설정에서 '탭과 앱 함께 표시'를 설정하면 적용됩니다.

(캡처 참고)

퍼포먼스 등 전반적으로 만족스러운 업데이트입니다. ^^

Another visual change has been implemented in this version as well. Previously, when you had your Chrome tabs merged with Recents, the status bar would take the header color specified by the site (for example, it's blue on Android Police, orange on APK Mirror), but other sites would keep a black bar. Now these will show a grey status bar, a sign of transparency being implemented equally for all websites. But keep in mind that this will only be visible if you have Recents and Chrome tabs merged.

Extra Form
screenshot_2015-04-24-18-58-17.png  [File Size:283.4KB/Download:1]
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