[드라군] In Orbit
조회 수 5758
추천 수 20
댓글 7

For the last few weeks, Google has been pretty active at delivering various updates. One of the least expected updates surfaced just a moment ago, as our beloved Android has been updated to version 5.1.1. The first device that got the update to Android 5.1.1 is the Google Nexus Player, released alongside Lollipop 5.0. The factory image and binary files required to compile the system are already available on the relevant webpage. Images for other supported devices (hopefully including Nexus 9) should be posted in the next few days.

(5.1.1 나왔다.)

Android 5.1.1, as the version suggests, is not a major release. Google focused on providing bug fixes, including the infamous memory leak available in Android since version 5.0. We didn’t have much time to look into logs to see what exactly has been changed, but the changelog should be provided pretty soon.

(메이저가 당연히 아니다. 램누수가 포함된 버그 픽스라고 한다.)

If you are a developer and can’t wait to get the OTA, you can build the system yourself for supported devices.

(알아서 빌드하세요)

repo init -b android-5.1.1_r1 && repo sync

(repo 다운로드 명령어)

You can also run this command to sync the AOSP sources from scratch:

(여기서도 repo 받을 수 있다)

repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b android-5.1.1_r1 && repo sync

Extra Form
android-lollipop.jpg  [File Size:98.4KB/Download:0]
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댓글 7
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