조회 수 2942
추천 수 1
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여기서 퍼옴: http://forum.sdx-developers.com/android-2-1/creating-an-update-zip-list-of-commands/

물론 다른분들이 만든 (XDA developer나 Samdroid등) update.zip을 보고 분석하고, 사용하는 것도 좋습니다.

/* copy_dir []
* The contents of will become the contents of .
* The original contents of are preserved unless something
* in overwrote them.
* e.g., for "copy_dir PKG:system SYSTEM:", the file "PKG:system/a"
* would be copied to "SYSTEM:a".
* The specified timestamp (in decimal seconds since 1970) will be used,
* or a fixed default timestamp will be supplied otherwise.

/* format

delete and delete_recursive
/* delete [ ...]
* delete_recursive [ ...]
* Like "rm -f", will try to delete every named file/dir, even if
* earlier ones fail. Recursive deletes that fail halfway through
* give up early.

/* run_program [ ...]
* Run an external program included in the update package.

set_perm and set_perm_recursive
/* set_perm [... ]
* set_perm_recursive [... ]
* Like "chmod", "chown" and "chgrp" all in one, set ownership and permissions
* of single files or entire directory trees. Any error causes failure.
* User, group, and modes must all be integer values (hex or octal OK).

/* show_progress
* Use of the on-screen progress meter for the next operation,
* automatically advancing the meter over seconds (or more rapidly
* if the actual rate of progress can be determined).

/* symlink
* Create a symlink, like "ln -s". The link path must not exist already.
* Note that is in root:path format, but is
* for the target filesystem (and may be relative).

References configured for our phone:
to clear dalvik cache in an update.zip - add this line to the update-script file.
delete_recursive /data/dalvik-cache/
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