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추천 수 5
댓글 9

순정펌웨어에 들어 있는 img 화일을 tar 화일로 변환시켜주는 프로그램입니다...

사용법은 첨부화일에 들어 있습니다.. (물론 영어지만...)


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[CWM] how to create a tar.md5 file from img

for how want to use Odin to flash the ClockWorkMod Recovery, this is a tool to create a tar.md5 file from the img file downloaded from the official site of the CWM.
rename the img file to recovery.img and put it to the same directory of the batch file. and lanche the go.batch to create a file with the extension of tar.md5.
verry simple and clear

Extra Form
tar-tool_mourad.mkh.rar  [File Size:1.55MB/Download:52]
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댓글 9
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