Here are just a few of our features:
- Android 4.2.2
- Xposed Framework (May cause stability or performance issues - use at your own risk!)
- Comprehensive speed enhancements, including Linaro -O3 and processor-specific optimizations
- Unofficial Voodoo Sound support on Note 2 and i9300 devices.
- Option to hide lockscreen hints
- Carousel lockscreen
- Customizable lockscreen buttons and sliders
- Chronus clock widget
- Customizable hardware and software keys
- Transparent navbar and status bar
- Customizable navbar ring
- Navbar arrow keys
- Navigation bar widgets
- Customizable power menu
- Notification power widget
- Notification brightness adjustment
- Customizable quicksettings panel
- Statusbar mods including center clock and color
- LCD Density
- Theme engine
- Quiet hours
- Volume rocker music controls
- Full Rotation
- Customizable battery and notification light
- More that haven't even been mentioned, and more to come!
CARBON롬의 새버전을 포팅했습니다.
CARBON롬을 옵티머스G에 포팅했습니다.
모두 작동합니다.
#앞으로 특별한 업데이트가 없는 이상 블로그에만 올립니다.
http://inclu.net:82/OPTIMUS/Optimus G/LTE LG/ROM/CARBON/
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